Sunday, June 21, 2009

Watching TV is Waste of Time


Why is TV a waste of time!!??

I kinda think it actually burns down to the way u watch it.

If only entertain yourself.. too much.. then its a waste of time.

If u analyse the characters in lets say.. FRIENDS the sitcom.. Its improves your emotional quotient.

U learn from the characters.. who says learning is a bad thing!!??

Just don't learn from Joey though. you guys know why.. hahaha..

but he does the right things sometimes!!! =)

If you're gonna watch a stupid brainless movies all day.. well.. Waste of time.

Do discovery channel or something ya know..

Or... watch AFC!!!! u'll work up an appetite.. then u get to compliment mummy's cooking!! which makes her happyy.. Not a waste of time right???

Haha.. unless mummy's cooking is really bad.. which is quite never the case actually..

TV is not a waste of time. U get to learn chinese too... I'd better start watching the news =P.

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