Friday, May 9, 2008

My Response to Shereen's Post. ( 7th May 2008)

As complicated as it can get, falling brings about many meanings. But why fall in love?? not rise in it?? i have an idea. You're a little child, with a wandering knack. Foreign is attractive. You're at the park, the breeze is sunny. The trees swaying, dry leaves rustling. You set your palm on the green patch surrounding the picnic mat. Under every step, the grass seems harmless, just crumpling under your feet. Fear or anxiety not am element in this picture. Confidence builds, you take more steps, they turn into strides. Moments later, your nimble feet are shuffling, away from the leftovers ridden mat mummy is lying on.

A pebble escapes your unmindful eyes. You trip. You're off balance. You fall. It is often unexpected, uncontrollable. So is the same with love. Thats just how God made us.

But you sometimes don't fall with a trip. Reflex allows you to regain balance. You DON'T stumble to the ground. Having said that, emotions too can be suppressed. Love, can be controlled, restrained, even taken back.

Thats my idea of Fall.

1 comment:

PureViLmay said...

this is brilliant. LOVE your post. x) Its beautiful! AAAH!